A Note of Love to my One Year Old

And just like that, my littlest love, you are 1, and you are walking..!

In what has been a dark year in the world and in my own emotional life, you have been such a beam of light. I’m so grateful for you, and I delight in you and in getting to know and love you more each day.

I’m so thankful for your joyful and resilient spirit, how quick you are to smile and laugh, how you’re not afraid to show your feelings of sadness and anger, how you get back up when you fall, how you face your fears with a growl and a show of curiosity, how you seek out relationship and also know how to be independent, how you know how to make the best of things, how you insist on your voice being heard, how you delight in learning new things, how incredibly busy you are, how you love to give kisses.

There are many things you (and your big brother) have been teaching me this year, but one lesson in particular that I’ve been reflecting on is about love. You have been showing me how love—and the context in which love occurs—does not have to be “perfect” in order to be “good enough”, and that there is joy and grace and unexpected resilience in this (less-than-perfect) space that is messy but still beautiful.

When you entered the world in 2019, none of us had any idea what 2020 would have in store, and the first year of your life definitely did not look like what I had imagined. But amidst many tears and worries, this year has also had so much love and hope, and we have shared many dear moments amidst the difficulty. I wouldn’t trade you, or the time we have shared together as a family this past year, for the world.

And now you are walking bravely ahead into a new year of life, falling down and getting back up, toddling here and there and everywhere. When you took your first steps a few weeks ago, you looked so very happy and full of smiles. We all bore witness to your accomplishment, and were so proud of you. Your big brother exclaimed, “Our baby is growing!”—and indeed you are. I cried—tears of joy (for your obvious delight, for how you are growing just as you are meant to), tears of sadness (don’t grow too quickly though, my little one).

Already you seem less like a baby and more like a toddler. Sometimes when I am rocking you at night, and you are still and calm, I just gaze at your precious, round baby face and your little open mouth. I feel your warm, milky breath puffing softly on my cheek; I soak up the warm weight of you in my arms. And I love you, and will always love you.

I hope you always know how wanted, loved, cherished, and delighted in you are—by me and your Dada, by your big brother, by your extended family, by Jesus.

I love you, my littlest love, my one year old. May you be brave, be kind, and grow, my little one. And as you grow bigger, may God grow your faith and keep you ever in his love.

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life…To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

Jude 20-21, 24-25