how long?

they run around like pirates
“arg!”, “ahoy!”, “treasure!”
paper hats and eye patches askew,
winking and squinting,
play fighting while
together mapping treasure.

how come some children are only ever 
captured by imagination,
while others are captured
by the realest of terrors?

oh that perils were only always
minor setbacks, on a crayon crinkled map,
playfully overcome -
instead of deadly serious,
written in crimson…

(at the store,
at school,
at a parade…

go through the motions of playing –
smiling, laughing, creating,
charting courses throughout the seven seas,
joining little pitter patter feet, 
making joyful exclamations.

inwardly navigate dark stormy waters -
the heartache, the fear,
the questions, the rage…
the heaviness.

how much longer?

how long until
all of our children 

how long until
all can go out,
to learn and play 
and work and imagine…
to live?

how long until 
all can come home
to loving arms 
and be tucked in
to cozy beds
to rest?

how long until 
all can then awaken
and do it all again 
today, and

//in response to the uniquely 
american problem 
of gun violence and 
mass shootings 
(buffalo, uvalde, highland park…