Sleepy Smile

Lately I have been enjoying moments of nursing more, especially as I increasingly see how quickly my baby is turning into a little boy – who will not be nursing forever. Nursing can be hard work, especially when I myself feel tired, but it also can be very sweet. One such sweet moment occurred earlier this week. I was tired after a long day, and was greatly looking forward to going to bed. I tried to creep quietly into bed so-as to not wake our baby (as he still sleeps in our room in his Pack n Play), but I was not quiet enough and he woke up crying. I snuggled him close to nurse, with my mind still on bed, but I spent a few moments gazing down as I nursed him. And as I did so, I was struck by how precious it is to be able to share these quiet, sleepy moments with him. This was an especially tender moment, as he was in such a soft and snuggly and gentle mood. He popped his head up from nursing, and in the darkness just barely illuminated by his one small bear nightlight, he smiled up at me and at my husband. His sleepy smile was the type of smile that was so big it took up his entire face; he squinted together his eyes and leaned back his head and showed all four of his dear little teeth. My husband and I soaked up this moment, treasuring it. And I pulled our baby close, and kissed him, and breathed in his baby smell, and felt his warmth and squishiness.